Saturday, June 7, 2008

How sweet it is to be loved by you...

...Katherine. Although I am often frustrated with the developing mind and emotions of a 2 1/2 year old girl, there are times when I have to hold back tears because she is so sweet. I'm not even talking about the random acts of kindness she does for others (like spontaneous sharing - unheard of for her age), the way she squeals and runs toward a friend (or stranger she has decided should be her friend) enveloping them in a bear hug, or the times when she thanks the check-out girl in the grocery store without being prompted.

No, I am talking about the little things she does or says to me, James or Jack that just melt your heart. One example is her new habit of asking how our day is. It could be breakfast time, we haven't even been up 30 minutes and she will look over and ask, "how is your day Mama?" Or we could be getting ready for a nap and she will inquire "how is Jack's day Mama?" She asks James the same question at least once a day. It is heartwarming to have someone so small, who your main job in life is to take care of, have a genuine interest in how you are doing.

She is also so much more observant than I thought. A couple of months ago I got my hair cut. When I got home she looked at me kind of sheepishly and said "I like your hair mommy, it's short." Granted, I cut off ten inches to donate to Locks of Love (I took advantage of how fast your hair grows during pregnancy), but I was still surprised that she not only noticed, but commented and was complimentary!

The same thing happened this morning. I put my short hair into two pigtails so that it would be out of my way because I had to bake six dozen cookies for our La Leche League chapter. I have not been able to pull my hair up much since getting it cut so this was a new "configuration" as Scuttle the seagull on Little Mermaid would say (I know, I just quoted an animated bird). I came downstairs where she and James were eating breakfast and she once again said, "I like your hair mommy." How sweet is that?!

She has also given me rave reviews on something I have cooked or made. "This is really good mommy, it's my favorite, thank you so much" is one such review. Comments like this will hopefully tide me over during the adolescent years when I am sure to hear "yuck" and "I don't like that," etc. I know those days will come, no matter how good an eater she is now. I think my brother Lucas and I were so good at those adolescent comments that my mom gave up cooking in a way she could enjoy. I'm jealous that after I left home she really started to experiment and make great food! Sorry Mom!

Oh well, the cookies are done, Jack is asleep, and Katherine and James are on their way home from swim class - I'll have to blog about that later, she isn't always a fan of the water. I need to package up these cookies and clean the kitchen!

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