Friday, June 20, 2008

Update on Lucas

Lucas is doing well and in high spirits. His surgery on Wednesday went well. I'm not sure exactly what they did, but it involved plates, rods, and screws being put either in his back or his left foot. They sat him up in bed today (the first time he has been able to sit up in a week) so I think that made him feel better mentally. They hope to re-introduce solid foods tomorrow. Pray that he doesn't have the same reaction he did last time (he couldn't keep anything down in the beginning). Depending on how the next couple of days go, he may be out of the hospital by mid-week next week and could possibly be home the first week in July. Thank you again for all of your prayers.

Now, for some more recent pics of the kiddos:
Can you believe how big they are both getting! Katherine looks more like a little girl every day and Jack has definitely left the newborn stage behind. I can't take pictures often enough to capture their transitions!

1 comment:

Heather @ said...

it is amazing how fast they grow up isn't it. I can't believe mine just turned a year old. I miss his baby stage already!!!