Thursday, May 8, 2008

Settling In

It has been a week since my last post - shame on me! We have had a pretty good week. We are slowly settling in somewhat. I know that things will change again once James is back at work full time (i.e. travelling overnight). We've gotten pretty good at the whole divide and conquer thing. We'll see how I do solo when the time comes!

On Tuesday Jack had his first check-up with our pediatrician. Everything went well. He is gaining weight and everything looks good. He was still a little yellow, but the doctor wasn't concerned enough to do a blood test to check his bilirubin levels. So, we'll just go back for his one month check-up as usual.

After the pediatrician's visit we decided to head over to Sharon Woods park to let Katherine play on the toddler playground. We had such a nice afternoon! Katherine played for quite a while, then discovered the lake. She and James went exploring and came back with an intense desire to go out in a boat. So, we took Jack for his first ride in a paddle boat! I was a little freaked out at first - Jack can't even hold his head up very well, let alone keep his head above water or wear a life jacket of his own. But, I reasoned that a paddle boat probably had a fairly small risk of capsizing. It was a nice boat ride. Luckily James was up for doing all of the paddling (I'm still not quite up to speed) and Katherine was more than happy to help steer.

We saw ducks, fish, and turtles. Despite the many signs admonishing visitors not to feed the wildlife, the ducks were clearly expecting an afternoon snack from us. Three of them swam happily toward us quacking their requests for bread or something like it. We were sorry to disappoint them, but we didn't want to contribute to their delinquency.

After our paddle boat ride (Katherine was done after about 25 minutes) we went back to the playground. Katherine quickly made friends with another little girl. She did find it hard to keep up sometimes since her new friend was twice her age and a little more capable on the bigger slides. We finally had to tear her away in hopes that she would take a (very) late nap. It was a really nice day. Here is a picture from my cell phone of the harbor area of the lake.

1 comment:

Farrah said...

Sounds like a very fun day... You just need a sling and you'll be set! :) hehe!