Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

What a wonderful year it has been! We have been blessed beyond measure this year and look
forward to a wonderful 2012.

We have been having an awesome time with Grandma Melanie and Uncle Lucas the last few days. The kids can't get enough of them.

Mom heard "grandma, grandma" every 5 minutes for the first two days she was here and Lucas could hardly walk into a room without being mobbed by kids who wanted to climb on him.

Ella has taken the opportunity to grow up before our eyes! She has added a word every other day to her vocabulary in the last week or so. It is amazing to watch her mimic Katherine, Jack, Grandma, Uncle Lucas, James and I. She notices so much around her that we don't even realize!

The kids have had a blast doing projects with Grandma. They decorated a gingerbread house from a kit our neighbor Amy gave us - the temptation that provided was too much so the house was relocated to get it out o sight and hopefully out of little minds!

Christmas morning was awesome. The kids had a great time opening and playing with their new presents. We haven't broken out the new Wii games yet, but with an added controller the kids and Grandma will have a blast dancing with the Nick characters and exploring with Diego.

By far, the most amazing blessing this Christmas has been having Grandma and Uncle Lucas with us. My heart swells watching them interact with the kids, enjoying the little things and the big things.

We celebrate the birth of our savior this time of year and look to Easter remembering that He makes all things pure and new. An awesome reminder of this came when we opened the items in our stockings this morning. Katherine received a pack of sight word flashcards which James opened to check out. The first card he pulled out had the word "make" on one side and "new" on the other. God is amazingly faithful, blessing us in too many ways to enumerate. I pray that you are filled with joy this holiday season and beyond!

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