Thursday, September 30, 2010

September in review...

Things have been busy in the Kanary nest this month. Obviously we welcomed Ella to the world on the 7th. We celebrated James' birthday on the 13th. Grandma and Grandpa Kanary came to visit for almost a week. James went back to work. Kat's mothers group re-started after taking the summer off. Uncle Lucas (or as Jack says it "undle ludas") stopped for the night with his bandmates on their way from one show to the next during the midwest leg of their tour. Now we are gearing up for Katherine's birthday and looking forward to Halloween!

Here are some pictures from the month:

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Wow! You just take new babies in stride around your house! It is amazing to me how much all of your children look like each other. I can already tell Ella looks like Katherine and Jack! Hope you all are doing well!!!